What is the SMSC Wacipi?

A wacipi is a traditional Native American celebration of life. It is a time when people gather together to dance, sing, and celebrate, while renewing friendships, old and new.

Meaning “they dance” in the Dakota language, the wacipi has transcended generations and has taken on new forms and meanings over the years. Historically, it was a time to gather at the end of a season, to celebrate a good hunt, or to recognize a positive event. While the dances still hold sacred ceremonial meaning for those who participate, the SMSC Wacipi has evolved into an event where dancers and drum groups compete for top honors and prize money.

The Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community (SMSC) traditional hosts two Wacipi events each year with one held every summer and another hosted during the winter months.

The SMSC Wacipi is a three-day event hosted every August at the SMSC Wacipi Grounds while the SMSC Winter Wacipi is a two-day event hosted at Hoċokata Ṫi.

What Happens at the SMSC Wacipi

At the SMSC Wacipi, dancers compete in several different categories of dance styles and age groups, ranging from tiny tots to elders. The wacipi begins with a blessing of the dance circle, called the arena—a space which holds sacred significance to the tribe. Regardless of the season, each SMSC Wacipi features a grand entry ceremony, during which all dancers follow a Native American veteran color guard into the arena, grouped by their respective dance categories. This marks the beginning of the event followed by contest and exhibition dancing for each category.

What Else to
Expect at the SMSC Wacipi

There is so much to see and do during the SMSC Wacipi in addition to the action in the arena. Dozens of Native American artists and craft vendors sell traditional beadwork, jewelry, and handmade goods, while food vendors offer a variety of tasty, traditional foods and other refreshments. The summer Wacipi also features hand drum contests, moccasin game tournaments, and fireworks on Saturday night. A full schedule of events is available on smscwacipi.org in the weeks leading up to the event.

Listen to the drums!

About the SMSC Wacipi Grounds

The SMSC Wacipi Grounds are located just north of Mystic Lake Casino Hotel and south of County Road 42, between county roads 83 and 17 (Marschall Road).

The SMSC Wacipi Grounds provide ample parking. Golf carts are available at no charge to transport guests from the parking lot to the grounds.

3212 Dakotah Parkway
Shakopee, MN 55379 

Learn more about the SMSC Wacipi and get the latest updates. Visit the SMSC Wacipi website


Learn More About the SMSC

Read about our history or visit our frequently asked questions for additional information about the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community (SMSC).