
The SMSC uses integrated and adaptive stewardship activities to reduce invasive species or non-local populations of species. For example, since 2020, the SMSC has inventoried over 1,300 ash trees for emerald ash borer (EAB) and to date over 400 diseased ash trees have been removed. Over 300 ash trees were treated to prevent the spread of EAB and to save trees that were not heavily infested.

Detection and monitoring

Early intervention and detection are strategies used to slow the spread of invasive species. The SMSC also uses grazing, fire, and mechanical methods for removal. This allows the Community to reduce their reliance on chemical applications, which reduces harm to non-target species.

If you have any questions or concerns about invasive species, contact our Natural Resources Department at

Priorities include but are not limited to the following species:

Image Category Scientific Name Common Name
fungus Ceratocystis Fagacearum Oak Wilt
fungus Tubakia Iowensis Bur Oak Blight
animal Lumbricidae Earthworms
animal Malacosoma Disstria Forest Tent Caterpillar
animal Agrilus Planipennis Emerald Ash Borer
animal Lymantria Dispar Dispar Spongy Moth
animal Agrilus Bilineatus Two-lined Chestnut Borer
animal Cyprinus Carpio Common Carp
plant Lotus Corniculatus Birdsfoot Trefoil
plant Pastinaca Sativa Wild Parsnip
plant Melilotus Officinalis Yellow Sweet Clover
plant Roninia Pseudoacacia Black Locust
plant Celastrus Orbiculatus Round Leaf Bittersweet
plant Lythrum Salicaria Purple Loosestrife
plant Tanacetum Vulgare Common Tansy
plant Cirsium Arvense Canada Thistle
plant Garlic Mustard Allaria Petiolata
plant Euphoria Esula Leafy Spurge
plant Euphoria Esula Narrow-leaved & Hybrid Cattail
plant Securigera Varia Purple Crown Vetch
plant Daucus Carota Queen Annes Lace
plant Reed Canarygrass Phalaris Arundinacea
plant Ulmus Pumila Siberian Elm
plant Spotted Knapweed Cenaurea Stoebe
plant Lonicera Tatrica Tartarian Honeysuckle
plant Melitous Albus White Sweet Clover
plant Rhamnus Cathartica Common Buckthorn