The Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community (SMSC) is a sovereign entity with the power and authority for self-governance. The Community has the authority and responsibility under the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community constitution and bylaws to promulgate ordinances, which are intended to safeguard and promote the peace, safety, morals, and general welfare of the Community.
The Gaming Commission is a governmental entity of the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community (SMSC) established to ensure that compliance is met with respect to the Gaming Ordinance and all other laws of the Community, state of Minnesota, and the Federal Government.
Gaming Commission Duties
The duties of the Gaming Commission include:
Processing all license applications, conducting background investigations on all team members involved in the Gaming Enterprise, making determinations regarding the suitability of persons for licensing, and issuing licenses to all gaming operations, team members, and vendors.
Denial, limitation, revocation, or suspension of any license when deemed necessary under the Gaming Ordinance, the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community (SMSC), or any federal or state law.
External Links
Vendor Applications
Pursuant to the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community (SMSC) Ordinance and its adopted rules, any person, organization, or entity wishing to provide any products or services to the Gaming Enterprise(s) are required to successfully obtain and maintain a vendor License or Certificate of Registration issued by the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community (SMSC) Gaming Commission.
If you would like to become a vendor, please forward your information to Mystic Lake Casino Hotel’s Purchasing Department via
Please note Mystic Lake Casino Hotel and Little Six Casino are strictly prohibited from conducting business with any vendor that is not currently licensed or registered with the Gaming Commission.
Current vendors that are looking for a renewal application, please contact the Vendor Licensing department at: or by phone: 952.496.5640.
Frequently Asked Questions
New Applicant
Everyone who is hired by the SMSC Gaming Enterprise must also be licensed by the SMSC Gaming Commission. The Gaming Commission and HR-Recruitment are two separate entities.
HR-Recruitment has computers available to complete licensing applications online. You may also use computers at any public library or Minnesota Workforce Center. The licensing application is housed on a secure website; you can use a public computer and your information will be safe.
All information provided to or obtained by the SMSC Gaming Commission remains secured in your licensing file and is not shared with anyone.
Any current (unexpired) state or federal issued photo identification.
The SMSC Gaming Commission must have court paperwork showing the date of the offense, charge(s), and the outcome (disposition) of the court for any offense that occurred within the last 10 years, regardless of the outcome.
Renewal Applicant
Yes. Please provide the Gaming Commission with documentation showing your name change.
Yes. Any new arrests, tickets, warrants, or charges must be immediately disclosed to the Gaming Commission.
Lost gaming licenses will require a $20 non-refundable cash replacement fee. The license holder must come to the Gaming Commission, in person, to replace their gaming license. A replacement will not be issued to anyone other than the licensee.
The date on the front of your gaming license is your expiration date in month/year format. The date on the back of your gaming license is the renew by date in month/year format.
The Ordinance and the Regulations mandate that each licensee must renew their gaming license on an annual basis.
Failure to renew your license will result in non-compliance with the Gaming Commission and the SMSC Gaming Enterprise will terminate your employment. You will be unable to reapply for a license for six months following your termination date.
Human Resources Office Map

Stop 1: Gaming Commission
Here you will complete the application process for your gaming license as discussed with your recruiter.

Stop 2: HR Recruitment
After your gaming appointment you will head over HR to finalize your I-9 documents and reserve your orientation date.