Project Overview

Starting this summer, McKenna Road will be undergoing major reconstruction from County Road 42 to County Road 16. For more details on the project, please review the proposed purpose, scope, and schedule outlined below.

Project Purpose
McKenna Road is a north/south collector roadway that spans approximately 1.75 miles in length from Eagle Creek Boulevard (CR 16) to 140th St NW (CR 42). This roadway provides direct residential access for Community Members in the North Residential, Brewer, and East Village subdivisions.

Although minor segments of this roadway section have been improved through adjacent infrastructure project tie-ins, this original rural roadway section has reached the end of its service life and is in need of major rehabilitation efforts.

Scope of Improvements
The project will entail a complete rehabilitation of the existing roadway, meaning the existing pavement will be removed and a new aggregate base section will be created and paved. The profile of the roadway, however, will remain largely unchanged.

Additionally, the project will address and resolve drainage issues, install curbs, gutters, and storm sewers, bury remaining overhead power lines, and add enhanced streetlights for safety. An evaluation of constructing a trail connection from Tintaochanku to CR 16 is also being considered and your feedback is needed. Aging watermains are also programmed to be replaced in conjunction with the roadway improvements.

Project Schedule
The majority of the improvements will be completed this construction season (summer/fall 2022), with final paving and restoration work scheduled to be completed in summer 2023.

If you would like more information about the project, please contact Operations Administrator Steve Albrecht at

Contact Details

Steve Albrecht SMSC Operations Administrator

Project Updates


For the weeks of May 22 and May 30, boulevard cleanup, and outstanding project punch list tasks continue throughout the length of the corridor from County Road 42 to Eagle Creek Boulevard. Bituminous paving operations may begin as early as May 26 between North Berens Rd and Walter Street. While paving crews are onsite, please plan to use alternate travel routes. No work is scheduled to take place during Memorial Day weekend.


For the weeks of May 8 and May 15, boulevard cleanup, and outstanding project punch list tasks continue throughout the length of the corridor from County Road 42 to Eagle Creek Boulevard. Bituminous paving operations are also expected to take place between North Berens Rd and Walter Street near the end of May/beginning of June.


For the weeks of May 1 and May 8, boulevard cleanup, concrete repair work, and water main utility work will continue throughout the length of the corridor from County Road 42 to Eagle Creek Boulevard. Bituminous paving operations are also expected to take place between North Berens Rd and Walter Street near the end of May/beginning of June.


McKenna Road construction has been substantially completed. There are no anticipated activities scheduled to take place until next spring. Any additional construction updates will be shared when finalized.


For the weeks of October 3 and October 10, final paving operations, remaining tree planting, boulevard cleanup, electrical work, and site restoration will be wrapping up throughout the length of the corridor from County Road 42 to Eagle Creek Boulevard. Final paving operations are anticipated to be completed the first week of October.


For the weeks of September 26 and October 3, crews will be working on remaining tree planting, boulevard cleanup, electrical work, and site restoration throughout the length of the corridor from County Road 42 to Eagle Creek Boulevard. Final paving operations are anticipated to begin during the first few weeks of October.


For the weeks of September 12 and September 19, boulevard grading, electrical work, and site restoration on McKenna Road will continue throughout the length of the corridor from County Road 42 to Eagle Creek Boulevard.  Bituminous trail preparation and grading is also expected to take place between Sumac Lane and Walter Street.


For the weeks of September 12 and September 19, boulevard grading, electrical work, and site restoration on McKenna Road will continue throughout the length of the corridor from County Road 42 to Eagle Creek Boulevard. Bituminous trail preparation and grading is also expected to take place between Sumac Lane and Walter Street.


For the weeks of September 6 and September 12, boulevard grading, electrical work, and site restoration continues throughout the length of the corridor from County Road 42 to Eagle Creek Boulevard. Bituminous trail preparation and grading is also expected to take place between Sumac Lane and Walter Street.


For the weeks of August 29 and September 6, roadway construction on McKenna Road will continue throughout the length of the corridor from County Road 42 to Eagle Creek Boulevard. Bituminous paving from Walter Street to Eagle Creek Boulevard and from County Road 42 to Thunderbird Circle is expected to occur. Boulevard grading, trail paving, and site cleanup will occur as well.


For the weeks of August 22 and August 29, roadway construction will continue throughout the length of the McKenna Road corridor from County Road 42 to Eagle Creek Boulevard. Bituminous paving from Walter Street to Eagle Creek Boulevard is expected to occur, as well as boulevard grading and site cleanup.


For the weeks of August 15 and August 22, roadway construction will continue throughout the length of the corridor from County Road 42 to Eagle Creek Boulevard. Bituminous paving from County Road 42 to Walter Street is expected to occur, as well as boulevard grading and site cleanup.


For the weeks of August 8 and August 15, roadway construction continues throughout the length of the corridor from County Road 42 to Eagle Creek Boulevard. Bituminous paving from County Road 42 to Walter Street is expected to occur at the end of the week of August 8 and will last approximately two days. While paving is taking place, travel through the area will become limited at times. Please stay tuned for further updates as the project progresses.


For the weeks of August 1 and August 8 , roadway construction and concrete work will be wrapping up between Sumac Lane and Eagle Creek Boulevard. Pavement installation is expected to begin in the following weeks. While concrete installation and final gravel installation is taking place, travel through the area will become limited at times. Please stay tuned for further updates as the project progresses.


For the weeks of July 25 and August 1, roadway construction will be wrapping up between Walter Street and Tintaocanku. Phase II is slated to begin July 25. This work will consist of remaining milling operations on McKenna Rd between County Road 42 to Thunderbird/Berens Rd, all of Sumac Lane, and a stretch of roadway between Tintaocanku and Eagle Creek Boulevard. Concrete curb and gutter crews are expected to begin work sometime during the week of July 25. While concrete installation is taking place, travel through the area will become limited at times. Please stay tuned for further updates as the project progresses.


For the weeks of July 18 and July 25 , storm sewer utility construction will be wrapping up between Walter Street and Tintaocanku. Upon completion of the storm sewer utility construction, roadway construction will continue between Walter Street and the south end of the Tintaocanku roundabout. Concrete curb and gutter crews are expected to begin work sometime during the week of July 25. While concrete installation is taking place, travel through the area will become limited at times. Please stay tuned for further updates as the project progresses.


For the weeks of July 5 and July 11, water main utility construction will be wrapping up near Walter Street. Upon completion of the water main construction, storm sewer utility construction and roadway construction will continue between Sumac Lane and the south end of the Tintaocanku roundabout.


For the weeks of June 27 and July 5, water main utility construction will continue from Sumac Lane to Walter Street. Upon completion of the water main construction, storm sewer utility construction and roadway construction will continue between Thunderbird Circle and Walter Street.


For the weeks of June 20 and June 27, water main utility construction will continue from West Woodland Trail to Walter Street. Upon completion of the water main construction, storm sewer utility construction and roadway construction will continue between Thunderbird Circle and Walter Street.


During the week of June 13, water main utility construction will continue on the north side of the McKenna Road/Thunderbird Circle intersection and continue north. During this time, the contractor will also begin construction of the roadway section beginning at the McKenna Road/Thunderbird intersection and continuing north.

During the week of June 20, water main utility construction will be wrapping up and the contractor will begin the installation of storm sewer utilities between Thunderbird Circle and Walter Street.


During the week of June 6, water main utility construction will begin on the north side of the McKenna Road/Thunderbird Circle intersection and continue north for the next several weeks.

During the week of June 13, water main utility construction will continue between Thunderbird Circle and Walter Street.



The roadway will be fully closed to thru traffic beginning Tuesday, May 31 to allow the roadway to be reclaimed and water main utility construction to begin.

Utility and roadway construction will continue into the summer months.



During the week of May 23, crews will begin prep work for the McKenna Road construction project. Temporary water service piping will be set up along the west side of McKenna Road from Thunderbird Circle to Walter Street. Additionally, private utility relocations and adjustments will continue along the corridor.

The road will be closed to thru traffic beginning Tuesday, May 31 to allow the roadway to be reclaimed and water main utility construction to begin.