Prior Lake, Minn. – Youth from the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community (SMSC) invite members of the public to Young Native Pride, a free dance exhibition on Thursday, May 9, at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. at the Prior Lake High School auditorium. For more than two decades, this event has provided an important opportunity for the Native youth to share Dakota culture and values through traditional dance and drumming.

This year’s performance will feature an opening prayer, followed by a grand entry in which all dancers take part in a procession behind flags, a skit, and various dance performances, including men’s traditional, grass and fancy, and women’s traditional, jingle and fancy shawl. The Community’s youngest dancers – “Tiny Tots” aged six and under and in full regalia – will also participate in the performance. Iron Boy, a local drum group with representatives from several tribes, will sing traditional songs.

Toward the end of the event, audience members will be invited to join in a round dance on stage. SMSC Royalty and the SMSC Youth Leadership Council will facilitate and participate in the event. Light refreshments will be served following the 7 p.m. performance.

Prior Lake High School is located at 7575 150th Street West in Savage.

About the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community

The Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community is a federally recognized, sovereign Dakota tribal government located southwest of Minneapolis/St. Paul. Following a Dakota tradition of generosity, the SMSC is one of the top philanthropists in Minnesota and is the largest contributor to other tribal governments and causes across the country. It is a strong community partner and a leader in protecting and restoring natural resources. The SMSC’s government, Gaming Enterprise and various other enterprises are collectively the largest employer in Scott County and attract millions of visitors to the region.